My Grandmother’s Doll

Jeffrey Ross (9)

When I was little, about nine or ten, I went to Japan for the summer and stayed at my grandfather’s house in a small suburb. One night during my stay there, I woke up to get a glass of water. I accidentally dropped the glass of water on the floor. While I was picking up the broken glass in the kitchen, I saw that some glass was in the hallway so I went to the hallway to pick up the remaining glass. In the hallway, I noticed that a Japanese doll, which had been my grandma’s favorite, had fallen out from the glass case right above me. The strange thing was that the glass case was missing a chunk of glass. I put the doll back in the case, but cut my fingers while putting it back. I grabbed some band aids from a medicine kit in the bathroom and decided to go back to sleep. When I walked down the hallway, I saw that the doll had fallen out again. I left it alone because I was tired. When I opened the bedroom door, I saw that someone was sleeping in my bed. It was my grandma, who had died three years ago. I freaked out and fell back. I woke up from this lucid dream, but I still had the cuts on my fingers.