Truth or Lies?


… Telling the truth is necessary, however, in some cases, people should tell little white lies. Recently, I remember how I had been in a situation when I had trouble deciding whether or not to tell the truth. It all started when I was 10 years old, playing with my baby nieces at my auntie’s house. … I saw many twenty dollar bills on the table. Without thinking, I took one twenty dollar bill from the pile. I was planning to play a joke on her and make her find it herself. After I took the twenty dollar bill, I went straight home and watched some TV until auntie Chi came to my house. She asked if I had touched her pile of twenty dollar bill, I told her “no, I didn’t.” When she left, I couldn’t believed how guilty I was for telling the lie so I went straight to my room and stared at that twenty dollar bill. I don’t know what to do with it. Many questions started rising from my head, and I just couldn’t decide. Questions like “should I tell her I took it,” “what if she will punish me for taking it?” The more I think about whether or not to tell the truth to auntie Chi, the guiltier I felt. I wondered “why does telling the truth have to be so difficult?” Finally, I have the courage to tell her the truth that I took the money and apologized to her for playing a stupid joke After I told her the truth, I felt a sense of relief because there is noting I have to hide from her again. Although I have to suffer the consequences, I was happy to take it. Throughout this experienced, I realized telling the truth is not difficult. It all depends on if you have the courage and sincere to tell the absolute truth. I know telling the truth is necessary but in some situation, the truth is a harsh thing for some people to accept. In these cases, telling little white lies is fine. Recently, I had experienced a situation was I told a white lies to me friend. One afternoon, when I was using the bathroom, I over hear my friend crying. She had been really sad recently so I went up to her and asked her what happened. She told me that her grandmother had lung cancer. When I found that out I was really shocked. I don’t know what to said to her because I never experienced someone that I know or hear of anyone that is close to me have cancer. I could understand how she felt but there is nothing I do. I said to her ” Don’t worry, your grandma will get better.” We both know that her grandma will not get better because it is already her last stage of cancer so I told a lie. Telling those kinds of lies is not guilty, on the contrary, it benefits people in some aspects. In conclusion, telling the truth at all time is necessary but not required. People can hid the truth for good reasons and it is up to people to be wise enough to decide when it is the right time to tell the truth and the lies. People should try practice telling the truth, but sometimes a lie is better than the truth.

-Julie Li

… For anyone that keeps an adequate balance between telling the truth and posing no harm to anyone, it is permissible to tell lies.

-Shengyuan Su

… People deserve to know the truth if they ask for it even though it might hurt them. One time I knew something my friend did not know about her boyfriend. I thought about it a lot. “Do I tell her or do I hide it from her?” When she asked me, I figured it was the right thing to do to tell the truth because, if you ask for the truth, expect the truth.

-Shawnee Brent

… Being absolutely truthful is a very hard thing to do; however, many good things can come out of it. … When the truth is told, it’s easier to maintain and support the given idea or opinion because a story, tall tale, or history is not needed to be invented/made-up. People who lie tend to invent stories in order to cover it up. However, just by asking them for details, they are rapidly twisted on their track or explanation and eventually forget some details to make sense of the lie. By not even lying, none of this heavy thinking is needed; just tell the truth and everything will be easier.

-Paul Santiago

… The truth can make you come off as a very rude person. For example, one time my mom asked me to go out to lunch so that I could spend time with her and my aunty. Honestly, I see them everyday, and I had better things to do. However, if I did say that I didn’t want to go, that would just seem rude because she’s offering to do something nice for me and her, but I’m turning it down. So, of course, I said I would love to go.

-Sydney Pederson

… Somebody made a simile that truth is fire and a lie is paper. When you want to tell a lie to cover the truth, it is not possible, just like paper cannot cover fire.

-Yin Hei Lao

… I believe that it is not always necessary to tell the truth and there will be times when it is permissible to tell a lie… Always telling the truth may hurt your loved ones, and maybe even yourself as well. …My grandmother bought me this shirt, which didn’t exactly suit my taste, and asked me whether I liked it or not. I told her “not really,” and she ended up getting pretty upset and just walked away. Seeing her frown made me feel guilty. As you can see, the truth may hurt the people you love. When you hurt the people you love, not only do you hurt them emotionally, but you hurt yourself as well, because it might pain you to see your loved ones unhappy. Before telling the truth, you must consider other people’s feelings as well as the consequences that come with it. Yes, you might be helping them out by telling them your actual opinion or the truth, but you may want to think about how that person will feel in the end as different people take the truth differently.

-Heather Situ

… Whenever you tell the truth, you can gain that person’s trust. By constantly telling the truth to someone, that person will know that you are trustworthy because you wouldn’t lie to them. I know from personal experience that telling the truth will gain a person’s trust. I lied to my parents a couple of times, and they wouldn’t let me do anything because they believed I was lying to them, so I started telling the truth every time I could. Now my parents believe I’m trustworthy and let me do what I want to do.

-Andrew Nguyen

… There are many reasons why you have to tell the absolute truth. First, you should always tell the truth so that you don’t lose the trust of others on you. For example, when you didn’t do your homework and just copied someone else’s work. Your teacher found out and asked you about it, but you decided to tell a lie. You’ll be in more trouble because the next time that you do your homework and you really did it this time, your teacher might think that you just copied someone again.

-John Rhyan Illacas