League of Legends Has a Problem

Thai Bui, head reporter

League of Legends is an awful game and Riot Games needs to fix it. The game has so many problems and they just ignore it. It’s like they don’t care and are mocking us with each patch note (updates for the game, making the character stronger or weaker). It’s so sad for the players who play League of Legends for entertainment or competitively. The balance changes  are absurd with each patch note. There are so many bugs in the game and they just turn a blind eye like they don’t exist. 

By Phillip Zheng
League of Legends is already frustrating as is; the broken game mechanics make it even worse.

In patch note 9.19, they buffed (making it stronger) Ekko again. He was perfectly balanced before but then they buffed him two times in a row in patch 9.17 and 9.18. Most players were expecting a nerf (making him weaker) in patch 9.18. Ekko is considered an S+ (a ranking of how good the character is, S+ being the best and D being the worst) tier jungler (a position in the game) with a 52.17% winrate with over a 10.3% pick rate, making him one of the best junglers in the game with little to no counterplay (a way to beat it) which can be frustrating on the receiving end. 

The new champions (characters) that Riot Games recently released are overpowered. For example, the Irelia rework (changing the character), Akali rework, Pyke, Aatrox rework, Sylas, Kai’Sa, Neeko, and Yuumi are constantly picked in competitive play. You can see them every game either banned ( or picked, Neeko and Yuumi aren’t picked as much anymore.  

There are so many bugs in the game that have existed for a long time. For example, Nunu goes invisible sometimes while rolling his snowball. The glitch existed since he was released but it hasn’t been fixed yet. Shaco has a ton of bugs; one of them is that his clone sometimes stands still when he’s dead with nearby targets. You can probably search up “Shaco bugs” and  find more, but there’s too many so I will just list one. Rek’Sai has a bug where his “w” makes the enemy disappear. It was a bug since his released and is still a bug today..

Some people might argue that the game is fine and it’s amazing. For example, one person might say that the art team is great. They are making skins that look amazing and just the visual of the game looks nice. However, people who are looking to play the game competitively don’t care much about the visuals compare to the game play. 

The game isn’t fun to play and I would not suggest the game to any of my friends. If you don’t enjoy the game, quitting the game entirely would be the best for you and there are lots of other games that are better than League of Legends.

By Phillip Zheng
League of Legends is already frustrating as is; the broken game mechanics make it even worse.