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The student-run newspaper of McKinley High School

The Pinion

The student-run newspaper of McKinley High School

The Pinion

The student-run newspaper of McKinley High School

The Pinion

About Us / Submit / Advertise


While The Pinon does not guarantee coverage or publication of stories, we welcome your contributions.

Got story ideas? Want to submit an article, photo, video, etc? Email the adviser at [email protected]

In the subject line, please put STORY IDEA or SUBMISSION. In the body, please explain why your idea or article or art would be appropriate for publication in The Pinion.


The Pinion has been a tradition at McKinley High School since 1920. The Pinion is produced by the Newswriting class, advised by Cynthia Reves  and published by the Reprographics Department. Our newsroom is in W123. McKinley High School is a member of the Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society for High School Journalists.


The Pinion staff strives to provide and maintain accurate, entertaining and informative news for the students, staff and alumni of McKinley High School. We strive to show diligence in creating all our content so that we can make a positive contribution to the public.


Click to see The Pinion’s editorial policy


Click to see The Pinion’s style guide


$150 Footer main ad – 780 x 90 pixels. This is 10.4  x 1.2 inches

Prices are per month.

Year Discount: 12 months for the price of 10.

If you would like to publish an ad, please let us know by email the publication dates you want. In the subject line, please put ADVERTISEMENT. Once you have confirmed your publication dates with us, email us your advertisement picture file (jpg).

Please include the following information with the advertisement.

  • Your contact information
  • The ad can link to a website. If you want that, please include the url.

Make check payable to McKinley High School, and write “Student Newspaper” in the memo. Send payment to:  McKinley High School Business Office, 1039 S. King Street, Honolulu, HI 96814

Principal Ron Okamura talks about The Pinion


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