Freshmen adjust to new end time
By Jaycee Paat
Some students want school to end at 2:30 every day.
September 27, 2016
At McKinley High School, students end at 2:10 on even days, and on odd days at 3:00.
Incoming freshmen had various comments about the new schedule. In middle school, most days for them would end around 2:00.
“It needs to be shorter,” freshman Alex Linmark said.
The time difference is due to T.I.G.E.R. Time. It’s like a study hall for students to get their work done whether it is for late work, class work or homework. T.I.G.E.R. Time is unavailable on Fridays which means even days end at 1:25 and odd days end at 2:15.
“They should make us finish at the same time every day at 2:10,” freshman Arielle Formoso said.
“It’s normal for me since we used to end at 4:00 in the Philippines,” freshman Syhmon Lazo said.