Listening to music while working: Good or bad?
Studies show different results
By Hoang Nguyen
Senior Jessica Park said, “Listening to music while studying is good because it helps my brain relax.”
January 21, 2016
Music is something everyone shares and has an opinion about, but is it good or bad to listen to music while you are working?
Many people think listening to music is positive. Studies have shown that listening to music while studying or performing a task helps people pay more attention in their work than not listening to music. From that, they can do their work better and get a good result. It can also help an individual relax or get a better sleep after a long workday.
According to seattle pi, music with lyrics activates the language-processing centers of the brain. However the University of Phoenix believes that listening to music while working can be distracting.
Freshman Oliver Martin agrees.
He said, “Music is not good for me while I’m studying because it’s distracting for me.”
Physical science teacher Rendall Choy said, “Yes, it’s good because it calms me down and helps me relax.”