Investigative reporting with Sacha Pfeiffer

Eileen Wang, reporter

Pulitzer winning reporter Sacha Pfeiffer spoke to a packed crowd at the University of Hawaii at Manoa last month. Her talk was titled “Investigative Reporting in the Age of Fake News.”

Pfeiffer has worked in radio and print media. She is best known for her work on the Spotlight journalism team with the Boston Globe. The team’s work investigating the case of the Roman Catholic Church’s child sexual abuse cover-up was made into a movie that was released in 2015. She has also reported on shoddy housing construction and financial misconduct by private charities.

The conversation lasted an hour and a half as Pfeiffer shared stories with Richard Hornik, a journalist and educator, and answered questions from the audience.

Hornik said fake news is a problem in journalism and social media, President Donald Trump called fake news “the enemy of the American people.” Some media sources use fake news to grab readers’ attention. To combat the lack of trust the public has in the media, Pfeiffer said journalists must do their job.

“One of the key jobs that a reporter has to do is truly be able to present both sides,” Pfeiffer said.

Pfeiffer said that, as more people use social medias, everyone becomes a  publisher of news, so everyone must think twice before posting online.

She said that the freedoms in the First Amendment are “Not a right, but a         responsibility.”