Declining Interest in Voting?
Is the future of American voting really fine or is it actually not
January 11, 2019
A lot of media outlets have focused on the declining voter numbers of millennials but not everyone seems worried that Generation Z may face the same problem.
“I think as you get older you’ll care more, you’ll have more to lose, you’ll have jobs, and you’ll have families, and you’ll realize voting matters so you’ll start caring,” said McKinley High School history teacher Jonathan Loomis.
According to a study on Generation Z by The Center For Generational Kinetics 47% responded that they planned on voting when eligible. The center also commented that they viewed this statistic as hopeful leading one to believe that Millenials have truly lowered the standards.
“I think people believe this number will increase but honestly it might decrease,” senior Eric Song said.
After asking students on campus about voting, a majority responded that the that they felt that their vote didn’t matter. Some specifically designated the reason being that the popular vote was irrelevant towards the overall election and others weren’t sure of why but felt that way.
“I’m not really sure but I just don’t care enough, I guess,” said junior John Zhong.
According to a study by Business Insider, only 58.1 percent of eligible voters in the U.S. cast ballots in 2016 presidential election, which is around 138 million people out of a potential 252 million eligible voters taking part in the election.
“I think people aren’t voting because there isn’t anyone they want to vote for. Forty-four point three percent of voters (102,731,399) didn’t vote in the 2016 presidential election, that shows something,” said junior Weishun He.
While it’s important to vote it’s also important to vote aware of who your voting for and why you believe they would be good for their position.
“I’m not against voting but one thing I hate is people that say that not voting is irresponsible. There are literally people that vote with no concrete knowledge of policies or superficial knowledge about candidates. Which is a lot more irresponsible than not voting when you can’t even be bothered to do research on the candidates and don’t pay attention to politics,” senior Duy Nguyen said.
Most people call the far-right crazy but would you believe if somebody sitting next to you was a communist advocate.
“As usual I’m boycotting the presidential election in 2020. The U.S elected a right-wing dictator but more importantly I won’t participate in something I can’t trust,” MHS junior Ming Lam said.
In the past voting was a luxury that many dreamed of obtaining. Now through countless years of effort for reform, any citizen above the age of 18 is given such an opportunity. Despite such a history, many citizens in the U.S. disregard it.
“I think a lot of people take it for granted when someone says you can’t do something you want to do it more but now that everyone wants you to do it you don’t feel like it anymore. It’s a twisted mentality but it may prove true for some people,” said sophomore Bryant Bu