Thank you from The Pinion staff

From being a part of The Pinion, I’ve learned the value of time and being a part of a team. Whenever the staff put together a paper, it was stressful and time was super limited because we would have to bring the paper to the printing press the next day. Working as team, however, made every stressful aspect more relaxed and it brought us together. We all had the same goal of creating a newspaper that everyone at McKinley High School would enjoy reading. Furthermore, I developed a bigger passion for writing. Not only did writing help me express my opinion, but also the voices of many at MHS. Joining and reading The Pinion is easy, but working for The Pinion takes a lot of effort and determination. I want to thank everyone that took their time into reading The Pinion because it really shows that our hard work was worth it in the end. Lastly, I owe a huge thank you to Ms. Reves because she made me understand and appreciate journalism more.

Sarah Kim, editor-in-chief

Being in The Pinion has been a really good experience for me. When I signed up for it, I thought it looked cool and knew nothing about it. I have learned so much and I am thankful for my teacher and my staff for teaching me so much. There have been many great field trips and opportunities in this class. Thank you to everyone who took their time to read my articles. As a freshman, The Pinion has helped me improve on many things such as social skills, vocabulary, caring about what’s going on in the world and most importantly, putting my ideas into stories. I can go into sophomore year knowing more about journalism.

Josephine Muniz, section editor

I would like to thank everyone who read The Pinion for sticking with us through it all. These papers have not been easy to make. Behind all the articles there have been many stressful times and all we can ask for as The Pinion staff is that you take some time out of your day to read a little bit and think a little more. I would like to thank Ms. Reves for coordinating this class and giving us the tools, the knowledge and the experience of what journalism can be. I would like to thank my fellow staffers for keeping a level head when times got tough. Thank you everyone for reading The Pinion. I hope to see more quality papers from next year’s staff.

Karl Selga, section editor

It has been an honor to work with the people sitting next to me and I really had a blast writing for you all. It has been an honor to represent our school as The Pinion. During the quarters, I learned something new such as editing the issue on a computer, how to write stories and other things such as social skills and vocabulary. The field trips were fun and the gang and I had a great time. As a freshman in this school, thank you to the people I interviewed for taking part in my stories. Thank you to Ms. Reves for your guidance during these stressful times. Thank you to my fellow classmates who showed some love and support with each other. Most importantly, thank you to the people who read The Pinion.

James Deguinon, reporter

My name is Hoang and I am a reporter for The Pinion. In this class, I have done a lot of stuff such as think about story ideas, write a story based on that story idea and fix and publish those stories. That was the most fun that I had in the class. I would like to say thank you to Ms. Reves and my classmates for helping me improve my writing skills.

Hoang Nguyen, reporter

This class has taught me so much. My English and writing skills have improved, I have better time management, and I have a firmer grasp on what it takes to not only be a journalist but also a writer. Laying out the paper has shown me that although hard work is stressful, the end result are worth it. Newswriting has made it known to me the many opportunities in the journalism world as well as the next steps to take in college.

This class has been a fun and informing way to spend my school time. If I could, I would take it again. Thank you to newswriting for improving my writing and helping me be apart of something greater. The Pinion staff aren’t just students; they’re friends and I am proud to have been with them through the year.

Katie Jones, reporter

I would like to thank the students of McKinley High School for reading the The Pinion. Seeing you guys read the paper felt like you all had learned something from reading it. I hope you guys enjoyed reading the paper and talked about it to your friends. I hope you guys join this class next year and have a chance to put your ideas into a story.

Kanoe Costorio-Meyer, reporter

A free press is vital to democracy. The Founding Fathers wrote that freedom into the Bill of Rights. McKinley High School has made the press a part a tradition for 94 years, for which I, as The Pinion adviser, am thankful to the administration.

The press cannot exist without readers. Therefore, I am also thankful to the staff that encourage students to read The Pinion and who find ways to share it with the broader community. I am thankful to those who comment on and who follow The Pinion’s social media accounts.

Finally, I am thankful to The Pinion staff. Freedom comes with rights and responsibilities and the students who enrolled in Newswriting this year have ethically put in the work needed for a product worthy of the faith the Founding Fathers put in media and worthy of a school with 150 Years of Pride and Tradition.

Ms. Reves – adviser