When to give up
By James Harbin
February 20, 2015
As Americans, a major belief in our culture is we can be anything we want to be; there is no limit. The founding fathers of this country created America with this one simple principle. Across the world those that believed in what was said, swarmed into America as immigrants. Currently thousands upon thousands of people are still coming into this country believing this. Not only America follows this way of thinking, even other countries and religions says this. But I say otherwise. Limits are a thing no matter what; logic states that they are there.
In 1848, the California gold rush, hundreds of thousands of people migrated from across the continent hoping to strike it rich. They all believed in what they were told, and hoped for better lives. What happened in just a couple years during the gold rush serves as a lesson for us. No matter where and who you are, there will always be a limit. During the gold rush people believed they could become anyone, those that wanted to become rich, those that just wanted a place to belong. Out of the millions that desired the same thing, only hundreds got what they truly wanted. Was it a good idea for the people that tried to find gold but couldn’t get it? It probably wasn’t such a great choice for them. They left family and friends behind to try to support them with the gold they thought they would find. They shouldn’t have thought they could get rich. They didn’t think there would be limits to how much people could actually have their wishes granted. Because the miners didn’t get rich they sacrificed everything they had. This shows without doubt an ideal time in history where limits do exist.
Even education has limits. Why do you think our parents force us to go to school. Why is it now a law? For what reason does education strike as a problem among all governments? Students in America decide to leave class early and not take advantage of the education provided. So where do they end up, probably working in dead end jobs with minimum wage. Then what about those that are underprivileged, the children that live in third or even second world countries. Most of them don’t even have the option of getting an education. Look where the masses of their population are now, maybe in the middle of the slums, or in a refugee camp. When you look at them, can you even fathom them working white collar jobs or even being an entrepreneur. Where are their opportunities in life? Do they have the same amount of privileges we do? There is the answer, and you know what it is. They have reached their limit in life, the point in time where you just can’t move on, the peak of their life the climax of their story. Yet we try to bring education into their lives through non-profit organizations like the Red Cross. We should already have figured this out that it won’t help. There are limits to what we can do to bring their lives into the present day society. Just trying to give a few thousand out of millions education might not even help.
Humans are one of the most prominent organisms on earth. All organisms over time experience and accumulate wear and tear. This is the evolution of life, you eventually die out and something else is born to take your place. Us humans are no exception to this fact, we can only proceed and continue this cycle without due. Our limit is in ourselves, life is something we can not fight, but rather prolong. All time is precious, don’t try to aim for the impossible and waste time you can put into something else.
Some may say that we have many options in our life, and which ever one you choose more choices will arise from that as an effect. This is correct, but you can have as many choices as life can give you but still we are humans and can only follow that cycle presented to us, so in a expanded view our final limit is death itself. So to those that say we have limitless options, there is an limit, but you just haven’t reached it yet. And you won’t reach it until death.
Limits are all we have, our goals, hopes, wishes and even our lives eventually end with a limit. They are in a sense a part of us, and will always be with us. There is nothing more to it, whether you choose to believe it or not. Just know at the end it is the same for all of us. In the end our brick wall that can’t be broken. So when your parents tell you to try your best in something, saying you can be the best at it if you try, think first before you heed their advice. Some things are just out of your hands and aiming for them will be wasting precious time.