Pride in being a McKinley Tiger

Aileen Chang, Guest Writer

The most beautiful feeling in the world has to be in that million degree heat, losing your voice in the crowd. Sweat dripping down every inch of your body while the lights blind you. Seeing the band passionately moving to the beat and following along. You feel the football players behind you working their magic. I’ve cheered at two homecoming games so far and both felt like a dream. I can confidently say McKinley High School is the best school to be a part of, although I may be a little biased.  To be a Tiger at MHS means to seek change, stay committed, and exhibit pride.

Now don’t get me wrong, MHS students are very respectful to their peers, teachers, and authorities. However, if Tigers don’t agree with something, they will stand up and use their voice. For instance, the Class of 2018 disagreed with the “no name” policy for their graduation. The class believed that they deserved to have each individual’s name called for their four years of hard work. As a result, the class met up for a week after school debating and discussing how to implement this change. They decided to gather as many people as possible into the student council room and voice their concerns. Although the “no name” policy was still active during their graduation, the fact of the matter is that the Tigers didn’t just sit and watch. They tried their best and did what they could and for that they represent the spirit of a McKinley Tiger.

In addition, Tigers never give up something they are passionate about. When a Tiger finds love in an activity, they will give the activity their all and fully commit. This can be demonstrated through the amount of individuals who do clubs/sports for all four years of high school. Many of my fellow Tigers have dedicated their high school careers to various activities such as math team, basketball, tennis, and LEO Club. Personally, I plan to continue speech and cheer for all four years and follow this legacy.

On the other hand, some may say that MHS lacks school spirit. This could not be further from the truth. MHS students overflow with pride. When outsiders ask about our school, we never fail to grin and mention our school name ever so confidently. The energy of Tigers can be felt at every game whether it be football, basketball, track, tennis, etc. We are the students that scream for our team. The ones who show respect and sportsmanship to others and create the great reputation that we have. Tigers are the supportive mothers who will cheer you on whether you win or lose. To be a Tiger means pride in amounts greater than gold.

All in all, to be part of the Tiger culture is an enormous honor. MHS students know this and continue to maintain a great reputation. As Tigers, we change for the better, are dedicated, and love our school. I can confidently claim that no other school has the mindset and drive we do. For this, McKinley High School has a positive relation with the public. I hope that future generations of Tigers continue to follow our path.