Dating in high school, pros/cons


Art by Aidan Sakaio.

Eileen Wang, reporter

Teens love romance. Just look at the popularity of Nicholas Sparks’ books.

“I think the relationships in high school are the best experi- ences,” senior Yuting Zhang said, “because it is simple and nobody cares about the benefits they could get from each other.”

Having a relationship in high school could give mutual sup- port. Being in a relationship with another person is not always solely romantic. By spending time together, two people are able to express their feelings openly, whether happy or sad, to one another. This emotional bond couples share is a good outlet for relieving some of the stress that comes from daily life.

There are also cons in high school relationships, such as causing drama between a group of students, immature acts, and sometimes broken hearts.

“Although people could get experiences from their high school relationships, …,” senior Zhi He said, “but still, we are only high school students, we are immature.”

Time management in a relationship is also a problem. He said that he did not have enough time to deal with other things at school because he was spending time with his ex-girlfriend.

Although high school relationships have issues, students still want to have an unforgettable date during their high school life.

“You have to admit it. High school relationships are the most simple and pure,” Zhang said.