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The student-run newspaper of McKinley High School

The Pinion

The student-run newspaper of McKinley High School

The Pinion

The student-run newspaper of McKinley High School

The Pinion

Katie Jones

Katie Jones, reporter

Biographical Info

  • Q  – Where were you born? A  – Woodbridge, Virginia
  • Q-  Does your name mean anything special ? A- It means pure.
  • Q- Can you speak a foreign language? A- No.
  • Q- What is your ethnicity? A- Half white half black
  • Q- What is your favorite thing about your culture? A – I love Christmas, the fourth of July, and Halloween.
  • Q- How old are you? A- Sixteen years old.
  • Q- Where have you traveled? A- I’ve never traveled out of the U.S.
  • Q- Where are your ancestors from? A- My mom’s side is from the Isle of man and my dad’s family came to America as slaves.
  • Q- What are some changes from childhood to now? A- My childhood was happy and carefree. My older sister raised me. When I was about ten she moved to North Carolina then Hawaii. I came to Hawaii to be with her.


  • Q- What is your favorite food ? A- Anything with chocolate
  • Q- What are some hobbies? A- I like to read, write, paint, and spend time with my family.
  • Q- What do you do on your freetime? A- My free time is devoted to sleeping.
  • Q- What is your favorite TV show ? A- Sherlock.
  • Q- What is your favorite snack? A- Chocolate
  • Q- What is your favorite animal? A- Cats and sharks.
  • Q- Do you have a favorite sport? A- I’m not really into sports.
  • Q- Do you have a favorite band/musician ? A – Avenged Sevenfold.
  • Q- What is your favorite movie? A- Aliens 2
  • Q- What is your favorite subject? A- History

Katie stresses out on future planning

    Katie fights anxiety

by Josephine Muniz

Eighth grade. It’s fun, and almost carefree, for most students.  Well, it wasn’t so much fun for Katie Jones, now a Junior at McKinley High School. Katie explains how anxiety started building up near her eighth grade year. Anxiety due to future plans.

“ It was hard for me so I pushed it all away and focused on the present., “ Jones  said.

“ I didn’t want to be nothing,” Jones said.

Many of her high school teachers tried to assure her that they didn’t know what to do at her age, but little did they know their words made no change.

“ I don’t want to be you, I want to be me; I was still stuck, no one knew,” Jones  said.

At one point her mother sat her down for a talk. It soothed her and made her feel better about what she was going through. This did not fix the problem completely. Her mother explained that she still didn’t know what to do when she was twenty, it took her five years to get the job she wanted. She assured Katie that as long as she kept trying to find what she really wanted to do in life, it would come to her. Katie feels like her mother had it worse than her and that made her feel better.

” I don’t stress as much as  I did before, but the fear is still there,”  Jones  said.

She is still unsure of what she wants to do in life, but she is assured it will be productive and she will enjoy it. Her problem has decreased greatly thanks to the talk with her mother.

All content by Katie Jones
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