Do not be a Pinocchio

Lin Song, Web Co-Editor

Most of us must have heard about the story of Pinocchio, a wooden puppet in the children’s novel The Adventures of Pinocchio. He is known for having a short nose that becomes longer when he is under stress, especially while lying.

Recently, I have been watching a Korean drama also named “Pinocchio.” The main character is a girl Choi In Ha who cannot tell a lie or she will break into violent hiccups. She wants to become a TV station reporter although the officials all think it is impossible. Their reasons are reporters always need to lie for better audience rating or job demands. However, Choi In Ha insists in telling the truth and finally proves herself as well as gets praised by audience. The story also includes a family tragedy due to false reporting.

Every reporter should take the responsibility to tell the truth to the public. Wrong words can be hurtful as those in the drama. For journalists, telling the truth is always the first principle. Do not be a Pinocchio.