Meet Laverne Moore

Meet Laverne Moore

Sairin Skinny, reporter

Laverne Moore has been teaching at McKinley High School since 2001. She has fifty years of teaching experience. She became a teacher because her mother wouldn’t sign a consent form for her to be a pilot in the Air Force.

Born on the day of the first sugar strike, Laverne Moore spent her early years dancing hula, cheerleading, flying airplanes, and being a commander of her civil air patrol unit in high school. Moore’s dream was to be the first female general in the Air Force or to dance at the 1964 New York World’s Fair. She was the first female to join ROTC at Colorado State College.

Laverne Moore isn’t only a teacher, she is also a social activist, fighting for the rights of Native Hawaiians, the poor, immigrants, women’s rights, labor union issues, and anyone who needs a strong voice to advocate on their behalf.