20/20 Time in, Tiger Time out

Advisory, D.E.A.R. to be affected, also


Art by Jaycee Paat.

Jaycee Paat, reporter

Starting next school year, McKinley High School’s Tiger Time and DEAR will be replaced by a program called 20/20. It will consist of 20 minutes of reading and 20 minutes of doing homework.

Committee member Matthew Johnson said the change started with the Tiger Time committee and was then voted on by the teachers. The new program will be held after the first period of each day, followed by recess. Students will be assigned a teacher for the allotted time. Once a month, this time will be used for advisory, which may result in some students getting a new advisory teacher next year.

Many felt that Tiger Time wasn’t effective. It left teachers too busy to help students who really needed it.

20/20 will give students the opportunity to read and do homework, and if student needs help from a particular teacher, they will have to find some other time to do so. Next year, students will be asked to evaluate 20/20 The committee wants feedback

from students to see if changes still need to be made. Johnson said he gets mixed re- views on Tiger Time. Some students think it is a waste of time, while others actually value the opportunity it gives them to complete schoolwork.