Why I Love Summer


By Vivien Chen

Spending time at the pool is a popular summer activity.

At the end of May, when the last school bell of the year rings, there is one thing on the minds of students everywhere… Summer vacation.

Summer is seen as a wonderful two month period of having fun and hanging out with friends! Personally, I love summer because of the water. The almost unbearable heat gives me an excuse to hit the pool and swim.

Everything seems to slip away.

There’s something about being under water that makes everything seems to slip away. I hear almost nothing except the water rushing. If I lie in the water on my back, I can see the sunlight filtering through, breaking up into a million pieces above me. It’s like a beautiful little place where I just shut out the world and relax until I need air again.

Other parts of summer are great, too, like the extra time and being able to travel, but swimming and just being in the water makes everything seem sublime.