Shane Kaneshiro
Hi, my name is Shane Kaneshiro, Class of 2024. I grew up on the campus because my mom teaches here. One cool fact is that I volunteered to help the freshman class during McKinley’s 150th-anniversary luau when I was in the 4th grade. I trained for the Hapalua half marathon and completed it in an hour and 35 minutes. Other sports I enjoy are tennis, cross country and track.
I enrolled in Newswriting to help me get better with my writing during my freshman year. During the virtual year of 2020-2021, I found the past Pinion issues very intriguing. During my sophomore year, I interviewed a nisei veteran for the Nisei Legacy project that was partnered with the Star-Advertiser. Another achievement I was able to participate in with The Pinion was to pass the Student Journalism bill in the legislature. During last summer, I participated in two journalism events in Washington D.C. where I met new students from all 50 states plus DC and more. I learned from their experiences and I hope to implement it into this year's Pinions.
Let me know if you have ideas you want me to write about at [email protected].
Positions over the years:
Year One: Reporter
Year Two: Reporter
Year Three: Editor-In-Chief
Year Four: Editor in Chief